Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S)

Driving a vehicle for work can be one of the most hazardous tasks an employee undertakes during their workday. Ensuring the safety of your team while they’re on the road is not only vital for their wellbeing, but it’s also a key responsibility under OH&S law.

driver training (17)

Your Obligation

Under Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) law, a fleet vehicle is considered a ‘workplace’. This means that your vehicles must be treated with the same level of care and responsibility as any other workplace environment, such as an office, factory, or building. As an employer, you are obligated to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for your employees, as far as is reasonably practicable. This responsibility extends to all employees and contractors who drive a vehicle as part of their job.

Action Required

To meet your OH&S obligations, it is essential that organisations provide appropriate training to ensure employees know how to safely operate and maintain their work vehicles. The following key areas should be addressed:

  • Safe operation and control of work vehicles
  • Proper vehicle maintenance and upkeep
  • Understanding and utilising vehicle safety features
  • Awareness of the causes and effects of fatigue
  • Managing potential distractions effectively
Providing your drivers with professional driver training is the most effective way to ensure compliance with OH&S regulations and safeguard your employees on the road.